Senin, 05 September 2011

My first Short Case : OA GENU

Short case ini sudah dipresentasikan pada tanggal 9/8/2011
It has been reported female, 59 years old, referred from Oscar laboratory with OA Genu D. Chief complaint was “lutut kanan terasa cekot-cekot”.
She felt dull pain at her right knee since 3 weeks ago. The pain was increase when she was changes position from sitting to standing, walking far distance, climbing the stairs. The pain was decrease when she take a rest. She felt stiffness at her right knee in the morning and it lasted about 15 minutes and it was relieved when she walked several steps. She did not heard the ‘kretek-kretek’ sound on her right knee when she moved. The pain disturbed her daily activity, but she hasn`t difficult to toiletting because her closet is sitting type. No numbness and tingling sensation of her right knee. She worried about her disease.
From physical examination was found tender point at lateral right patella with VAS:6, crepitation right knee, patellar grinding test was positive right side. Conclusion X-Ray examination was OA Genu Dextra. Planning diagnosis are consult to nutriton departement. Planning therapy are SWD kontraplanar at genu dextra, TENS at tender point tibial plateau area, strengthening knee joint. Planning monitoring are clinical sign, symptoms, VAS, body weight, BMI. Planning Education are explain about her disease, knee joint conservation, warm compress genu dextra, isotonic quadriceps strengthening dextra and dietary.

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